
在印廠印刷「HAKUCHI Matchbox Series」的過程中,為了節約用紙,師傅們在暖機或試版的時候重複使用了已經印上畫面的紙張——其中有宛如珀,也有普通的銅版紙。當我們檢視這些紙張的時候,驚喜地發現「巧合的力量」帶來了難以再現的、超越刻意的奇妙「重曝」效果: 七位藝術家的作品被隨機地疊加,被緣分再創作,形成了一系列全新的「合作」作品。在徵得同樣驚歎於這種奇妙碰撞的藝術家們的同意之後,我們挑選了其中一部分在此展示給讀者們。

During the printing of the HAKUCHI Matchbox Series, in order to economise on paper, the masters reused already printed papers – ranging from Ripley’s to ordinary coated paper – during the warm-up and trial runs. When we examined these papers, we were surprised to discover that the ‘power of coincidence’ had resulted in a wonderful ‘re-exposure’ effect that was difficult to reproduce and beyond intention: the works of the seven artists were randomly overlaid and recreated by fate to create a new series of ‘collaborative’ works. A selection of these works is presented here with the permission of the artists who were also amazed by this amazing collision.

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
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